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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Seems to be the issue on most people's minds these days.. from the micro to the macro people are constantly engaged in the process of making others understand why they're doing whatever it is they're involved in.. That also includes the often tedious task of explaining exactly what it is one's doing to begin with..
Gets complicated.. and truth be told.. it needn't be..
While one certainly does not advocate unaccountability.. but one questions the number of times that issue's raised over the course of a day.. and the issues called under scrutiny.. The most mundane acts.. walking down one's own street..driving into town for a loaf and a pint while you're at it.. spending an unplanned hour or so talking with one's neighbours..can become 'issues' in some eyes. 'This calls for an explanation' could be the catchphrase of the era..
Case in point.. on the micro we have one of the regulars down at the pub, being hauled unceremoniously out of our company, accompanied by some surrepticious chortles from those he left behind and his vastly annoyed wife who had been expecting to go shopping..while offering weak protests of ''s Saturday was only a pint.. half an hour at best there..' ..
On the macro we have General Tommy Franks.. and four members of the 'coalition' brass.. spending quite a while presenting to members of the 5th Estate a battle plan.. and a synopsis of what will happen to Iraq once Saddam's away..
Poor Tommy's got far too many wives here..

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