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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, March 08, 2003

This is a peculiar country, this Scotland.
Case in point, there's been an editorial meeting called in Glasgow for those of us who toil, at the ungodly hour of 8am of a bloody Sunday morning..
Now truth be told this is not an unexpected development this meeting, but what is unique in this instance, is that we're all required to appear, in person. Some of us have never met, and while most have a desk somewhere in the complex, many would have impressive layers of dust were it not for the cleaning staff. This making a personal appearance is not unprecidented, but highly irregular, and that in itself is what makes this country peculiar.
There are many of us who work from the comforts(sic) of our own homes, passing information back and forth either by post or electronic means. Many who meet for daily discussions, while remaining miles apart...
There are segments of the workforce who have managed to integrate their work habits into their basic lifestyles, without assuming a seperate persona for the office.. without a shirt and tie.. and soon.. it may well be that this political machination to preserve geographic autonomy, will be superceeded by the economic reality of a global village..
Macluhan is smiling.. somewhere..

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