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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 24, 2003

What a scene..
The briefing room at the White House.. a detailed update on progress in Iraq.. with the members of the media hanging on every word..
To begin.. the attitude of the reporters present was demanding, to say the least.. the White House spokesman was repeatedly pressed for details of casualties and POW's.. Unsatisfied with the response that the military has a proceedure to follow.. notifications to make.. before numbers and names can be released..
The reporter pressed for a number.. citing the right of the American people to know..
Now.. there can only be two reasons for such demands.. neither is particularly pallatable..
The first could be that indeed, the hysteria surrounding this particular campaign has infected the members of the 5th Estate to the extent they've forgotten SOP.. that indeed it's what they've been told to get.. the gory details..
The second is that they're that naive, that they'd expect a government at war to release to the world what their battle damage reports contained..
Either possibility has one shaking one's head..
For the attitude of the media.. only reflects the attitudes of those who watch.. who direct this war from their armchairs.. who make up ratings..

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