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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 03, 2003

Picture this.
Somewhere in continental North America.. include Hawaii.. some kids are on their computers.. in Internet Cafe's perhaps.. setting up meetings.. chatting.. whatever..
Suddenly appear men in dark ill-fitting suits, accompanied by an armed guard or so.. and these kids are swept away to be charged by the Morality Police for 'illicit contact'..
Orwellian.. ain't it..?
Dozens of Iranians were arrested yesterday for excatly this.. according to General Ahmad Rouzbehani.. "Some people were using an internet site to allow girls and boys to talk and arrange meetings in a place in north Tehran where they had illegal relations."
It's for the preservation of a regeme such as this one.. that we turn out in our millions to protest..?

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