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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, March 23, 2003

An idea of what's going through the minds of the other leaders of the Arab Middle East..
The PanArab League met.. to discuss this war in their backyards.. and the various leaders just couldn't seem to get themselves to discuss a regeme change in Iraq..
The sole voice came from the Sheikdom of the UAE.. saying it was time to ask Saddam to step down..
The others adopted postures not unlike those seen along the bar at the pub.. with fingers along the nose and glazed eyes lost in thought.. as perhaps they contemplated should Saddam be asked to remove himself by his Arab confreres.. who indeed might be next..?
Yet.. as this war continues towards what is certainly the inevidable removal of the Ba'ath and Saddam.. these same Arab leaders will have to face their angry citizens.. several camps of angry citizens.. each with their own agenda for the modernization of their respective countries and the redistribution of power..
Egypt is not happy.. it's traditional stance against Israel will be severely impededed by an American presence in the area.. and the Shi'ite majority in Iraq will certainly have a much louder voice, once the Sunni core has lost it's influence in government..
Ahh...and there's also the question of France and the EU to be considered.. The Middle East has always had close ties with France in particular.. and now Chirac has put himself beyond the pale as far as the reconstruction of Iraq's concerned.. there must be many who're wondering if they've backed the wrong horse..

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