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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 10, 2003

Following a day wherein both Britain and the US havebent their diplomatic backs double.. France and Russia seem determined to use their veto's against the new resolution due to be presented on Wednesday..
Not that this is unexpected.. as has been explained at length, Chirac has an agenda of his own, in which opposition to the US is a political necessity.. Russia as well, wants to ensure itself a position of influence in this new Europe..
Regardless, despite French claims of 'no smoking gun' and the Anglo/American stance of existing breaches to 1441.. the fact remains Husseins days are numbered..
We'll add up the political profit and loss statement when Iraq is in American hands.. with both Tony and George betting it all on their being evidence yet to be found..
One wonders what the reaction from the anti-war movement, when Husein releases VX or Sarin on the invading troops..
Will the collective moral outrage shift aim.. or will there be such an antiAmerican backlash that there will be cries of 'serves them right'..
One has to say.. from a number of perspectives this is a lose-lose situation..
Popular opinion is an ill-educated beast.. it sways on the fulcrum of emotion.. and gods know these days it's more important to feel good.. than to be unpleasantly employed ensuring freedoms are preserved..

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