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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

An 'incident' near Gatwick.. now that has the mind working in high gear.. what with Police hauling away the 'Europeans'.. all charged under the Terrorism Act.. and evacuating quite a few of the houses is the immediate vicinity..
This is what Europeans.. and one must group the British within that category if only for convenience sake.. have lived with for decades.. This could be what those within the continental US might have to become innured to..
A victory of sorts for Tony in the Commons this evening.. the vote to determine whether British troops shouldbe used against Saddam was passed through the House.. by a margin of 412 yeas and 149 nays.. Tell the truth this represents the largest revolt against the government since Tony's come to power.. Not a particularly encouraging sign..
However.. it was a victory.. and Britain has committed itself and it's men to removing Saddam and the really important task of discovering hidden caches of WMD..
Now.. the resignations from the government.. for posterities sake if nothing else..
Sandra Osborn.. Labour MP for Ayr..aide to Scottish Secretary Helen Liddell..
Anne Campbell.. Labour MP for Cambridge..PPS to Patricia Hewitt..SecState T&I..
Bob Blizzard.. Labour MP for Waveny..PPS to Nick Brown..Minister Works and Pensions..
Home Office Minister John Denham..
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath.. Jr. Health Minister..
Robin Cook.. Leader of the House of Commons..
Ken Purchase.. Robins PPS..
and Andy Reed.. Labour MP for Loughborough.. PPS to Environment Secretary Margart Beckett..
That's it.. so far..

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