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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, March 21, 2003

The human mind is a wonderful thing..
It comes in an infinite number of styles, shapes, sizes.. Can be made to order, or taken right off the rack..
It's malleable..capable of defying physics by compacting itself into containers far too small.. or expanding beyond it's limits to fill a space far too large..
Indeed, it can exist in a seeming void..
It can be set as hard as stone.. or assume the consistency of old blancmange..
It can be a sponge, absorbing all it comes in contact with.. it can be an amazing assimillator..
It can be impervious to all external influence.. repelling all it comes in contact with.. it can assume tremendous degrees of obtusity..
This, mankind has been able to see in even the comparitively tiny cross sections available before mass communication.. and finds it even more evident in this time of instant global contact..
The point of this being.. that what has been seen as characteristic of mankind historically.. is indeed the character of mankind..
That the marvel of being able to speak with one another in vast numbers over all distances, does not change anything in the percentile, only in the sample size..
In a nutshell.. there will always be idiots.. visionaries.. intellectuals.. poseurs.. apathetics.. in any sample you take..
We've really not come that far at all..

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