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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

A meeting today of the Arab League.. OPEC essentially..
Iran.. a country somewhat eager to see the US and Britain involved in a war with it's neighbour just a few weeks ago.. has changed hats again.. Iranisn Foreign Minister Naji Sabri called this 'a violation of the UN Charter'..a 'threat to world peace'..
Lybia waxed prolix on 'Iraqi heroism'..
All very much feelgood and hail fellow well met, in a Middle Eastern sort of way.. but just what it means in practical terms is very unclear..
This group has no executive powers.. cannot even censure member states such as Qatar..Bahrain.. Kuwait.. who have American troops launching attacks from their airfields..
This has become a problem for the PanArab League.. While public opinion in their individual states is strongly opposed to this war.. most leaders would just as soon see the back of Saddam..
But there remains ingrained distrust of the west.. and questions concerning the future of other Arab governments.. should the US take umbrage with them..
These are not good times for politicians.. it's a case of being universally damned if we do.. and comprehensively damned if we don't..

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