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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, March 14, 2003

'Splendid Isolationsm'.. a British political stance that dates back to the days of constant conflict with the Continent.. days of Napoleon..Tallyrand.. Hanovarians on the Throne..William Pitt in the House..of British supremacy on the seas and universal colonial expansion..
Those were the days.. It's a concept buried deep within the British psyche..the pride of achievement and heroic isolation seen in the 1940's still lingers even within the hearts of those who three weeks ago were chanting against this war..
Thanks to France.
The stance taken my Jaques Chirac has drawn this country together.. this time not in protest, but in defence of what's seen as our national identity.. This French posturing and political jockeying is something we are familiar with.. it's history.. And it gives us a common enemy.. a foe worthy perhaps of our uniting against..
Unlike poor Hussein, who was given so much support... simply by dint of his underdog status..
But what was natural for a mighty 19th Century empire and stirring for a people standing alone in the 20th Century is not necessarily appropriate for a middle ranking European power of the early 21st Century.
One will watch as things unfold over the next few weeks.. as Tony finds his distance against Chirac.. as the war begins and what discoveries it might provide..
As this political game continues..

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