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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 24, 2003

Terry Lloyd had been with ITV for 20 years.. He'd covered Iraq before.. back in 1988 when Saddam gassed the Kurds Lloyd sent reports from the villages in the path of the gas clouds..
He knew his way around a war..
It's confirmed now he was killed while driving away from Iraqi outposts near Basra.. by what was almost certainly friendly fire..
Tonight we have both George and Tony condemning Saddam and his cronies for televising part of the interrogations, of American POW's.. as if Saddam is truely concerned with something as petty as the exact nature of the Geneva Convention..
At times.. this posturing for the camera can become tedious..
What is to be noted.. particular to this conflict.. is the degree to which the motk is involved.. we are immersed in minute by minute updates.. constant analysis.. pictures of real-time action.. This war is being fought very much in public.. so no misunderstanding here.. it's all available for the viewing..
Thank gods for satellite television.. where somewhere, on one channel or another.. Happy Days is always being aired..
We, all of us, can occasionally do with a good mental enema..

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