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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 17, 2003

Saddam has pulled his armoured and artillery divisions into Baghdad.. Chemical Ali's setting up his defence of the southern area of Basrah.. France and Russia has estabished themselves as the opposition to George's efforts and have again stated their veto's would be used.. Tony's meeting with his Cabinet in emergency session this afternoon.. One would expect an emergency session in the Commons tonight or tomorrow..
So now.. it might be said all hands have been forced...
George and Tony must go into Iraq.. to deal with the threat of Saddam and to re-establish their own political credibility.. France and Germany, and one might well say the EU, have set themselves apart from allies they've supported since the Second World War.. Spain being a noteable exception here by the bye.. And while life appears to be carrying on as normal in Iraq.. the tension levels are palpable.. with military materiel being moved into the streets..
This tactic of Saddam's is especially despicable.. for it ensures civilian casualties.. but then they're only grist for the world's media mill and Saddam understands this as well as any hard-bitten cynic of an international editor looking for the best images for the 6 o'clock news.

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