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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

French Foreign Minister Domenique de Villepin almost wiped a tear away.. as he accused Britain and the US of being mean..
Actually his words were somewhat more eloquent.. having to do with the recent talk 'not being that that could be seen as friendly'..
Tony and Jaques are set to meet tomorrow in Brussels.. likely some hours after the first wave of American and British troops will have entered Iraq.. The thoughts of those at the pub were that this would not be the most cordial of meetings.. indeed this could define the course Britain takes in increasing ties with the EU..
It's going to be hard having two dominant countries vying for the top position.. the first among equals.. in this new EU..
Given the tenor of current British sentiment.. The EU does not loom large in our future..
Chirac's no doubt smiling at this.. Tony's doubtless gnashing his teeth..
But more and more there are parallels being drawn between the new EU.. and the Holy Roman Empire..

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