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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

One would think.. the spin doctors that worked for the Iraqi's before this war began.. mobilizing all those protestors for Saddam's cause.. would be advising al-Jazeera against broadcasting photo's of dead British soldiers and POW's..
This alone is turning a significant number of people away from 'the cause'.. perhaps giving them for the first time a glimpse of what it is they were marching to preserve..
Mind you.. having said that.. the Western mindset.. Western concepts of morality are only partly shared by those in the Middle East..
Not to say they're uncivilised.. merely different..
To them.. the dead bodies of their enemies.. are trophies to be celebrated over..
The prisoners.. a sign their cause is just.. and an oppostunity to display the foreign devils..
A corpse is not an uncommon sight in that part of the world.. and parading them is as much a part of their life as disguising them is in ours..

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