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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

You have much to lose, here in the west.
Much, taken that much for granted, that there's honest surprise when confronted with the lack of it when abroad.
The disgust of first-time visitors, when checked into their medium rate London hotel, that there are only 5 television channels.. and the chagrin of those who choose the discount hotels, at the discovery that the bathrooms are not en suite.. And that's in Britain..
One of the rights defended most vehemently, and abused so blatantly, is the right to free speech.. to voice one's opinion, or to regurgitate with vigour the opinion one's learned, by rote, from one's particular media outlet.. This is a right peculiar to western cultures. Unique, one might say, to the extent it's permitted in such countries as Canada, Britain, and the United States..
It's that much of an ingrained habit, that we cannot imagine any existence at would deny others the same degree of 'freedom'.. and we get righteously indignant when confronted with societies which display such restrictions..
Yet it may well be this social conscience, a phrase coined back in the 60's by someone the likes of Ginsberg..or Leary.. or McCluhan.. which has us playing into the hands of people who would see us in motley.. who do see us as milling sheep.. following the piper of 'enlightenment'..
Now lets not get it wrong here.. enlightenment it something to be greatly sought after, but it's a personal path as most in the west are beginning to agree..
What has been forgotten is the price that was paid, for this freedom to be..
What has been forgotten that no matter how much we wish it were otherwise, there are those who do not feel as we do, who do not like us, and who will do their damnedest to ensure we start thinking the way they do.
It's a mission from God.

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