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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, March 08, 2003

A message to the west from the Iraqi leader today.. to the UN.. to NATO.. to those who have expressed their opposition to war against his regeme..
In a statement, Hussein announced the chief weapons inspectors had exposed what he called American lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
"The embargo against Iraq should be lifted totally and comprehensively after America's motives were revealed to the world and after Iraq abided by Security Council resolutions," the statement said.
This from a man who's government has kept the UN and it's inspectors dangling for a dozen years..
It also demanded that the Security Council denounce the US and Britain as "liars", strip Israel of its alleged weapons of mass destruction and force it to pull out of "Palestine and occupied Arab land".
Ahh.. what weapons we hand our enemies in the name of 'enlightenment'.. what strength we give abominations, through the desperate willingness to atone for what's seen as our own..

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