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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

What we have here.. is a city which rose twelve years ago against the dictator.. expecting a change in government.. supporting the American troops all the way..
A city that.. when the Amerians pulled back without removing the dicator.. was subjected to terrible reprisals by the government left in power..
A city today.. that has had problems for three days now with water supplies.. wherein three of five children already suffer from malnutrition.. who wonder if this time the Americans will follow through and remove Hussein..
It's part of the reason Basrah has been so hard to finish off.. why there exist 'pockets of resistance' in residential areas..
The people of Basrah remember.. they fought before and were punished for it..
This time.. they'll want a sign of good faith.. some food for their kids would be a good start, and to that end we have the UN involved.. UNICEF in Jordan is loading up supplies earmarked for Basrah.. One can only hope they manage to find a way to get it there..

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