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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Robin Cook is history.. having given quite an eloquent resignation speech in the Commons, he's retired with his ambitions to the oscurity of the Back benches.. In something of a surprise move Clair Short.. the most outspoken of those threatening to resign.. has decided the best place to fight the good fight is from within..
A couple of other minor resignations.. nothing like the broken dam some had predicted.. however lines have been drawn..
Saddam and his family have united in their distain of offers to quit the country and avoid war.. one wonders where he would go anyway..
George is continuing his justification of the action.. as is Tony.. both are contemptuous of Chirac and France in general..
And in the desert.. these are the long hours.. when the heat of the day and the winds die down.. then while waiting for orders time stretches interminably and the high pitched humm of the genny's pierce your thoughts..
The weapons inspectors are leaving.. all foreign nationals have been warned by their respective governments that the middle east isn't a particularly safe place for westerners these days.. those who will leave.. have left.. even the journalists have pulled pack to Qatar.. most of them at any rate..
Forty-eight hours George said..
We'll see..

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