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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, March 27, 2003

They made a good pair.. Tony and George facing the media after their Camp David talks earlier today..
There was talk of 'taking the time to do the job..' and' freeing the oppressed Iraqi peoples'.. disgust with al-Jazeera and the Ba'ath regeme for releasing the photo's of 'executed' British soldiers.. an overwhelming sense of dedication and commitment..
But y'know.. one's attention was caught a few times by George.. the thought that's he's possibly slipped off the wagon or was equally possibly taking some heavy duty anti-anxiety script bounced across the pub this afternoon..
It was the almost lacadasical attitude the President showed.. a certain gleam in the eye..
As for the tone of the world in general.. it appears Australians have swung behind the war effort.. the French are talking about strained but normal relations between itself and the US.. their Defence Minister stressed today that their objection was not specifically aimed at the US.. but was against the concept of war in this case in the most general of terms..
The lights of Baghdad shine through a mist.. a fog.. smoke from the oil trenches and pits wafts through the entire city..
One can only hope that in this effort.. the Iraqi people themselves actually do end up the winners..
Perhaps in future.. the marches might be better directed to ensuring control of the country stays in the hands of those who live there.. permanently..

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