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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Safwar.. a small town on the Iraq-Kuwaiti border.. was the first to get Humanitarian Aid Packages..
It was an odd scene to watch.. a crowd of some several hundred Iraqi's.. crowding around a couple of articulated lorries.. tractor trailers.. as boxes and plastic bags of water.. food.. are scrambled over.. The picture speaks for itself.. These are people who have not suffered from this American action.. who's lives have not been battered by the effects of foreigners wading heavily armed through their country..
Rather this shows a people who have been starved by their own government.. who are desperate for whatever they can get from those fighting against Saddam..
In how many more small villages in the south will this scene replay itself..
How many cities.. towns.. small villages.. are there in Iraq..?
An update on the Shaab incident this morning.. the number of killed in the explosions has now been dropped to 15.. and the Americans are scratching their heads.. saying '..we can't say if this was our doing..' They investigating.. but other scenario's have been speculated on..
Odds are it was a couple of American missiles.. but keep in mind they're subject to damage from anti-aircraft fire.. and were a couple thrown off their guidance systems.. that market area lies in the flight path to a military target..

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