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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, March 14, 2003

Ahh well.. some days you can't find right from doing wrong..
Tony's looking at a major rebellion within his ranks, should this war proceed without the official seal of approval from the United Nations..
That being highly unlikely.. figures as prominent as House Leader Robin Cook could soon leave their seats empty as they retire to the back benches..
Not a good sign for Tony.. and while some are stalwart in their support.. saying indeed, he's taken them to two election wins.. this revolt within will remain a problem, even should Tony be proven justified in his unwavering support of the US..
At this point.. surely someone is adding up the cost of all this, and weighing what's lost against what's gained.. for what remains, will be the shape of the real New Labour..
Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed..

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