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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Sunday after church.. as the men wandered in to face the bar.. their wives taking up customary stations along the window seats..
Much shaking of heads.. regretfull statements about the sad inevidability of casualties under friendly fire.. comments about the state of British materiel..
An RAF Tornado shot down as it returned from a mission by an American Patriot missile.. a mistake..
Two helicopter crashes within the past three days.. 19 dead.. 14 of them British..
A British Television reporter and his crew missing behind Iraqi lines.. now thought to be KIA.. again it was friendly fire..
There are those here who remember the Ai Shau.. with the thousands.. literally thousands of enemy casualties.. our own men falling in their hundreds..
Relatively speaking.. after 4 days of warfare we're getting off lightly..
It does seem to date.. that we're more dangerous than the Iraqi's by far though.. certainly as far as our own troops are concerned..

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