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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, March 15, 2003

The global protests against war in the Middle East have made their last hurrah.. those who wanted their voices heard were out today, well aware of the fact the US and Britain will be launching attacks.. perhaps as early as.. say.. 0200 Wednesday morning..
What is matter for speculation down at the pub is the fate of the Iraqi's themselves..
Many recall the effects of the West when first we appeared.. historically speaking that is.. when the French and British first ventured politically into areas hithertofore confined to the influence of the Ottoman Turks..
The tale of Lawrence was brought up..
The difference in the average lifestyle for those of the area.. as seen developing over the past 200 years or so.. more dramatically in the past 80.. from that their fathers enjoyed before Napoleon et al desended upon them, is startling.. and indicative..
What the westernization of the Middle East will entail this time.. remains to be seen..
But the Iraqi Mullahs will not appreciate the image they've projected of the 'western devils' contradicted..
And the anti-American stance exhibited by France.. posing as frontman for the EU.. will only fester and spread..

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