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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, March 28, 2003

"It has been hacked," said Jihad Ali Ballout, a spokesman for al-Jazeera...
The Arabic daily's websites, both English and Arabic language services, were subjected to what's called 'denial of services' attack.. basically what the hackers did was flood the site with useless information, blocking legitimate traffic..
One group, called the 'Freedom Cyberforce Militia'.. directed people who logged on to al Jazeera's English site to another website.. with the message 'God Bless Our Troops'..
Another group has those using the English language site taken to a map of the States with Old Glory spread across the landscape.. and the message Let Freedom Ring..
Those using the Arabic language service were re-directed to a porn site..
The TV channel has described the electronic onslaught as a vicious attack on the freedom of the press...
Appears they have a fine sense of irony..
And y'know..according to British pathologists.. some 35 hundred seeming healthy Britons die in their sleep each year.. they're going to call it SADS.. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome..
We were looking for a new disease just the other day..
One wonders why they tell us of these new things.. that we've always had around us.. but which now seem to be deadly.. like sleep..
It's not as though they're in a position to actually do anything about it.. they've no cure...
One supposes the medical profession now naturally assumes that this society wants more involvement with illness.. what with the proclivity towards hypochondria we've developed over the past few decades.. It certainly makes a good public case for more funding..

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