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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, March 16, 2003

An ultimatum from President Bush.. a 'more discussion only means more delay' from Tony..
One more day for Hussein to disarm completely.. one more day for Tony to try and drag Chirac back into the fold.. and then George will let slip..
The talk at the pub flows around France.. and the political game it's played to date.. There is speculation that tomorrow might see an eleventh-hour recanting by the French President.. and a withdrawal of it's automatic veto of any new UN Resolution..
Now that would pose a moment's problem for George.. for it would mean the delay of invasion.. while the UN at least made the incursion 'legal' and 'moral'..
Meanwhile, back in the zenanna, Baghdad battens down for war.. five months supply of foodstuffs and water.. the Imperial Guard deployed.. the 4 area commanders named.. and the average man in the street is that concerned about American near-misses.. that those doctors mentioned in an earlier posting were out riding today.. and plan to be back again Tuesday..
Hussein is quoted as saying 'Iraq will fight anywhere in the world' if it is attacked..
So much for those waving peace plackards.. saying there was no tie between Hussein, and organized terrorism..

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