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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, March 08, 2003

It appears Mr.Blix is somewhat erratic on his approach to Iraq..
Yesterday his message was that Iraq is showing significant movement towards appeasing those who would attack it.. Today he's distributing a rather large collection of documents to Security Council members, detailing a wide range of questions Iraq has failed to address.. still,according to MrBlix, unaccounted for are some ten thousand litres of anthrax..SCUD missiles fitted with biochemical warheads..and UAV's with a range beyond the 150km limit set by the UN..
And the deadline rolls on..
It was somewhat unprecidented, the meeting yesterday in which Jack Straw did his utmost to convince the French there was a danger in Hussein.. Jack broke with convention.. appealing to direct emotion at times.. addressing the French minister as 'my friend, Dominique'..
An approach, by the way, that met with typical Gallic distain..
The French have their own agenda here, involving the formation of a new world power which does not include the United States, and quite possibily will not include Britain either. It's doubtfull Jaques Chirac will allow any compromise at this point in the game. He's set his hat for the leadership of the new Europe, and the US is only an impediment.

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