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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

'Stupid villains'..
The Iraqi Information Minister disputes that the port of Umm Qasr is under Coalition control.. saying the invading forces.. are confined to Dock No.10..
That this small town is not yet defeated..
Odd.. the dolphins seemed comfortable yesterday..
Nevertheless.. the news that will have the wires burning is from Baghdad.. the Shaab district in the Iraqi capital was bombed this morning.. reports are 45 civilians were killed while doing their morning shopping.. The Iraqi Government itself has been quiet about this incident.. no mention of it in the Information Minister's briefing..
But western media's on it like white on rice..
One might deplore war itself.. one certainly deplores the loss of civilian life.. what's almost cavalierly referred to as 'colateral damage'..
But even more.. one must deplore the machinations of a government openly engaged in the attempts to destroy one's way of life..
Very nice to say 'live and let live'.. admirable..
Now in a perfect world..

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